How to properly use the withdrawal method and its effectiveness as a contraceptive

How to properly pull out

Every time you engage in s3xual activity, the pull-out procedure must be properly executed for it to be effective. The male partner should remove his p@nis from the female partner’s v@gina and ejaculate somewhere before engaging in orgasm. This is crucial since a pregnancy can result from as few as one sperm cell.

To stop sperm from swimming toward the uterus, use a spermicide lotion, gel, or foam. Put the spermicide at the cervix and deep in the v@gina. Make sure the spermicide is applied correctly before sex by adhering to the directions.

Make use of an ovulation calendar to keep track of your fertile days. In order to prevent pregnancy during these times, it is best to employ a different technique than the pull-out approach. By identifying physical and mental patterns, ovulation calendars can also you in getting to know your body.


Make your partner urinate before s3xual contact to remove any sperm.

Make sure there is no semen on your upper thighs or groin after your spouse ejaculates. Sperm may travel within your v@gina from these parts of your body.

Is pulling out effective? How efficient is the pull-out technique when used properly?

Every time they have intercourse, both partners must prevent sperm from entering the vulva and vagina in order for the pull-out technique to be successful. According to data on the pull-out procedure, four pregnancies will occur for every 100 women who follow it exactly. In general, out of 100 women, 27 become pregnant after their partners leave. (For comparison, about 15 out of every 100 couples who use condoms conceive.) A couple’s risk of becoming pregnant is 85% if they don’t take any form of birth control.

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Healthcare professionals believe the pull-out procedure is ineffective in comparison to other solutions because it is generally inaccurate.

Birth control tablets help prevent unintended pregnancies. When used as directed, these pills can have an effectiveness of up to 99.9%. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that micro pills and combo tablets have a failure rate of 7% when used as directed. This indicates that seven out of every 100 women who use birth control tablets become pregnant.

Although using both is not harmful, birth control tablets are statistically more effective than pulling out. Birth control pills and the pull-out technique, however, are unable to stop the spread of STIs.

There are several benefits of the withdrawal birth control method, which include:

It is always accessible and free. You and your partner don’t need to pay money or make any preparations before having s3xual relations when you employ the pull-out method. It can be used by anybody, anywhere, at any time. Pulling out is always an option when necessary, even though the majority of individuals need a little practice to get it right. If you left your birth control pills at home or forgot to buy a condom, it might also be an option.

There are no negative effects. Pulling out does not result in nausea, vomiting, or an increase in appetite, unlike certain recommended birth control methods.

It increases the effectiveness of other birth control methods. The pull-out technique can lessen the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy when used with a condom or birth control tablets.

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Of course, the pull-out method does come with some disadvantages too:

It doesn’t work. Other birth control techniques, such as IUDs and birth control pills, may be more successful.

It demands work. When they’re about to climax, men frequently struggle to withdraw.

Correct execution is difficult. Many couples have a tendency to become engrossed in the moment and fail to leave in time. Men sometimes lack the self-control necessary to end a sexual encounter when it is most pleasurable, especially if they are younger or less experienced.

It cannot protect against STIs; it can only prevent pregnancy. Skin-to-skin contact is a common way for STIs to spread, such as herpes or genital warts. Additionally, the penis can spread gonorrhea and chlamydia before ejaculation. So using a condom is always a good idea.

How to properly use the withdrawal method and its effectiveness as a contraceptive
How to properly use the withdrawal method and its effectiveness as a contraceptive
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Sat Aug 5 , 2023
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