These are the reasons why a flat stomach is impossible.


Unhealthy diet

To have that flat stomach, pay close attention to what you put in your body.

Even if you perform a thousand ab exercises every day, if you’re still eating fufu and eba by two in the morning, your desire of having a flat stomach may remain a pipe dream.

Be more mindful of your diet. Eat as few carbohydrates as you can. Feed your body nutrient-dense foods, such as proteins, good fats, and lots of vegetables.

The extra fat will start to slowly melt away once you begin feeding your body the appropriate meals, and your stomach will probably become flatter than it has been in years.


If you overindulge in drinking, you will never have a flat stomach.

Here’s the thing: drinking alcohol causes oestrogen to be released into your circulation. Weight retention may result from too much oestrogen.

Do some men seem to have beer bellies? Well, too much oestrogen is wrecking havoc, accumulating fat, and preventing muscle growth.

It’s time to reevaluate your relationship with booze if you want to get one step closer to getting that flat stomach. Now, we’re not advocating complete abstinence, but moderation is crucial.

Your ability to reduce oestrogen levels and improve the environment for muscle growth and weight loss will depend on how much alcohol you consume. Little steps.


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