CSA and GAB will work together to develop regulations for accreditation and licensing.

CSA and GAB will work together to develop regulations for accreditation and licensing.
CSA and GAB will work together to develop regulations for accreditation and licensing.

According to him, the regulatory actions will encourage information sharing and threats within the industry and force businesses to implement appropriate cybersecurity procedures.

The Director-General claims that Ghana is making enormous progress in the field of cybersecurity, realizing that it can take the lead and is in a good position to provide an example for other nations to follow.

The parties recognized the importance of protecting financial industry information assets that have been identified by Section 35 of the Cybersecurity Act, 2020 (Act 1038) and Gazette Notice No.132, dated September 23, 2021, as vital information infrastructure sectors.

Acknowledging the CSA as a preeminent government organization guiding the nation’s cybersecurity advancement, Mr. Awuah conveyed his appreciation to the CSA Director-General for spearheading a constructive transformation in the field and guaranteed him the backing of the banking sector.

He claims that one method of erecting appropriate entry barriers to protect the banking ecosystem is through the CSA’s regulatory process, particularly with regard to the licensing of CSPs and the accreditation of CEs and CPs.

He emphasized that the CSA exercise is a critical step in securing the nation’s digital infrastructure, especially the banking industry, by guaranteeing that cybersecurity services are rendered by firms and individuals with the necessary training and experience.

Following fruitful discussions, ideas, and proposals, the parties decided to work closely together on important issues and provide each other with the support they needed to carry out their respective roles.

The parties outlined their areas of collaboration as the discussion came to an end. They concurred on the following and reiterated their commitment to working together:

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