5 substances that improve v@ginal taste and smell

What you consume greatly influences how your vagina smells and, for those who engage in oral s3x, how it tastes when it comes to v@ginal health.

5 substances that improve v@ginal taste and smell
5 substances that improve v@ginal taste and smell

Supplements are medicines that provide nutrients that we don’t receive enough of from food but that we should be getting from diet.


The following vitamins are recommended for women to use for excellent feminine hygiene.

1. Gummi apples with cider

Apple cider gummies are beneficial to the vagina {health}

Under typical circumstances, the v@gina naturally has a balance of bacteria and fungi that keeps both in check. V@ginal candidiasis can develop when there is an imbalance, which can be brought on by oral contraceptives, drugs, or pregnancy. Gummies made from apple cider help the v@gina’s PH return to normal and stop odor.

2. Supplements with vitamin E

The v@gina itches and stinks when it is dry. The self-cleansing process includes the v@ginal wetness. To help prevent v@ginal dryness, vitamin E can be consumed orally or used topically as oil.

3. Supplements with garlic

Garlic supplements are excellent 

Garlic is crucial in the fight against infections that lead to dryness, edema, and itching in the v@gina. Since it is an antibiotic, this is the case. It is available as a supplement or for oral use.

4. Cranberry supplement or juice

Vitamin C, which is included in cranberry juice, aids in the treatment and prevention of yeast infections, which cause itchiness, pain, and odor. It makes sure the v@gina tastes and smells well.

5. Pineapple juice

It has fiber, vitamin B, and C that help the v@gina’s digestive system. Because it helps the v@gina retain its natural PH and stave off infections, pineapple juice improves the taste and smell of your v@gina, especially if you enjoy oral s3x.

5 substances that improve v@ginal taste and smell
5 substances that improve v@ginal taste and smell


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