When a nearby hospital’s drips are left on patients, a coffin manufacturer storms the facility.

The authorities are presently holding a coffin builder from Cameroon for attempting to commit mass murder.

When a nearby hospital's drips are left on patients, a coffin manufacturer storms the facility.
When a nearby hospital’s drips are left on patients, a coffin manufacturer storms the facility.

The 33-year-old coffin builder reportedly visited a local hospital to take the drips off cholera patients who were being admitted because he is having trouble making sales.

According to reports, this incident took place at Limbe, a seashore city in Cameroon’s South-West Region.

After being apprehended by one of the on-duty nurses and trying to depart the scene, luck eluded him.


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Randy Abbey criticises the government for mistreating bondholders and says they never learn.

Fri Jan 13 , 2023
Dr. Randy Abbey, the host of the Metro TV programme Good Morning Ghana, has attacked the Ministry of Finance for the way it has handled certain bondholders participating in the Domestic Debt Exchange (DDE) programme. Randy Abbey is furious that domestic bondholders do not appear to receive the same respect […]
Randy Abbey criticises the government for mistreating bondholders and says they never learn.

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