Cedi exchange rates as of October13: Forex bureaus sell $1 at GHS 11.45 and BoG GHS 9.79.


The Ghana Cedi is trading against the dollar on the Bank of Ghana’s Interbank exchange rates for October 13, 2022, with a purchasing price of 9.7871 and a selling price of 9.7969.

File photo of Ghana cedis notesFile photo of Ghana cedis notes

Please take note that these rates could vary at a currency bureau close to you.

Afriswap Bureau De Change in Osu, Accra, provides our exchange rates.

vs yesterday’s transaction, which had a purchase price of 9.7176 and a sale price of 9.7274. The exchange rate for buying and selling the dollar in Accra is 11.25 for buying and 11.45 for selling.

In comparison to yesterday’s trading, where the Cedi was traded at a buying price of 10.7807 and a selling price of 10.7935 against the Pound Sterling, the Cedi is currently trading at a buying price of 10.8373 and a selling price of 10.8501.

The exchange rate for buying and selling the pound sterling in Accra is 12.00 for buying and 12.30 for selling.

Compared to yesterday’s trading, when the Euro traded at a buying price of 9.4435 and a selling price of 9.4530, it is currently trading at a price of 9.5005 and a price of 9.5109.

Euro is being purchased at a rate of 10.60 and sold at a rate of 11.00 at a forex bureau in Accra.

In contrast to yesterday’s trading, when the South African Rand traded at a purchasing price of 0.5372 and a selling price of 0.5374, it is currently trading at 0.5356 and 0.5360.

South African Rand is being bought at a rate of 0.45 and sold at a rate of 0.80 at a forex bureau in Accra.

In contrast to yesterday’s trading, when the Nigerian Naira traded at a buying price of 45.0656 and a selling price of 45.1827, it is currently trading at a price of 44.9602 and a price of 45.0378.

Nigerian Naira is being purchased and sold at a forex bureau in Accra at a rate of 13.0 and 15.50 respectively for every Cedi.

Cedi exchange rates as of October13: Forex bureaus sell $1 at GHS 11.45 and BoG GHS 9.79.
Cedi exchange rates as of October13: Forex bureaus sell $1 at GHS 11.45 and BoG GHS 9.79.


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