Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI CEOs will serve on a federal AI safety commission, among other tech titans.

According to my colleagues Brian Fung and Sean Lyngaas, the US government has contacted top artificial intelligence companies to seek guidance on how to leverage the technology these companies are developing to protect key infrastructure, such as airports, utilities, and other facilities, from attacks powered by artificial intelligence.

CEOs from some of the biggest businesses and sectors in the world will be on the panel, the Department of Homeland Security announced on Friday.

Along with Sam Altman of OpenAI, Satya Nadella of Microsoft, and Sundar Pichai of Google, the list also includes the CEOs of defense contractors like Northrop Grumman and Delta Air Lines.

The action is indicative of the US government’s tight cooperation with business as it tries to handle the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence (AI) without passing a specific national AI law.

According to DHS, the group of specialists will offer suggestions to the telecommunications, pipeline, electric utility, and other sectors on how to use artificial intelligence (AI) “responsibly.” Additionally, the team will assist in preparing those industries for “AI-related disruptions.”

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas stated in a statement that “artificial intelligence is a transformative technology that can advance our national interests in unprecedented ways.” “However, it also poses genuine risks, which we can reduce by implementing best practices and other well-thought-out, practical measures.”

The CEOs of chipmakers AMD, Anthropic, IBM, Cisco, and Amazon Web Services, as well as representatives from civil rights organizations like the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and chipmakers AMD, are among the other panelists.

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