The late Highlife icon Kwabena Kwakye Kabobo, often known as KK Kabobo, will be laid to rest on June 15 and 16, 2024, with a funeral and burial service in Accra.
This was declared at his one-week observance service, which took place at the Police Depot in Accra on Saturday, April 20.
The music business said goodbye to a cherished figure at the occasion, which was attended by many mourners, including fellow Ghanaian music superstars Abrantie Amakye Dede, Okyerema Asante, and Obuoba JA Adofo. It was a heartfelt moment.
On Thursday, March 14, 2024, KK Kabobo, whose music touched many people, passed away at the University of Ghana Medical Center from liver disease.
The late Highlife icon was praised for both his contributions to the music industry and his musical ability.