5 typical s3xual injuries and their treatments

People who engage in s3xual activity may sustain s3x injuries.

5 typical s3xual injuries and their treatments
5 typical s3xual injuries and their treatments

Although the feeling of s3x is supposed to be enjoyable, a few mistakes could result in pain.

The first thing that springs to mind when we think of s3x-related injuries is an elusive shattered p@nis or a v@ginal tear.

Unhealthy s3xual behaviors can cause harm and make it an unpleasant experience.

The following are some typical sexual injuries and how to prevent them:

  • Sore v@gina or anus

The delicate tissue inside the v@gina or anus can be torn by rough s3x or a foreign object (such a dildo). You might bleed, and it might hurt.

Until the region has healed, avoid putting anything inside your anus or vagina. Every time you have s3x, use lubrication to prevent recurring wounds.



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