Internet users criticize Aunty Bee for openly fantasizing about Asamoah Gyan’s genitalia.

Ghanaians have expressed their utter disbelief online in response to Auntie Bee’s public s@x proposal to Asamoah Gyan.


Asamoah Gyan is her famous man crush, and Auntie Bee says she would be thrilled to share a bed with the football star in the future.

She implied during a Visdel Show interview that she felt her heart skip a beat when the show’s presenter, Fire Lady, mentioned his name.


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Kuami Eugene's girlfriend's photos, which he rejected in an interview

Thu Mar 9 , 2023
Following his now “infamous” interview with Sika Osei, award-winning Ghanaian artist Kuami Eugene is currently trending on social media. As the singer allegedly made up during the interview, he is not in a relationship and is not single. As he doesn’t want to subject anyone’s daughter to such pain, Kumasi […]
Kuami Eugene's girlfriend's photos, which he rejected in an interview

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