Tigers having a place with Freedom Jacob Caesar represent no mischief – Wildlife Division

Untamed life Division of the Forestry Commission has said that the two tigers having a place with business investor, Nana Kwame Bediako represent no dangers to the occupants of the bequest.

Tigers having a place with Freedom Jacob Caesar represent no mischief - Wildlife Division
Tigers having a place with Freedom Jacob Caesar represent no mischief – Wildlife Division

As indicated by the Commission’s Director of Operations, Luri Kanton, “the tigers are protected, sound and all around secured and migration will be done after examinations.”

Inhabitants at Wonda World Estates, Avenue Lincoln close to the British High Commission at Ridge in Accra, had communicated stress over the presence of the two tigers at the domain.

They guaranteed they are not happy offering the home to the predatory creatures and have approached fitting specialists to move them

Yet, the authority from the Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission, Mr Kanton, subsequent to visiting the premises of the Wonda World Estate where the tigers are being kept, let the media know that “another design would’ve to be built at another area before the migration of the creatures should be possible.”

This he noted, will require around two months.

I was cautioned Akufo-Addo govt was ‘pernicious’ and will ‘come after’ me assuming that I condemn them – Botchwey

In the interim, Samuel Tiwonitaaba Kuteba, the mentor of the tigers, said the creatures have been declawed and are under severe veterinary direction.

He exposed bits of gossip that the creatures were rank and hazardous to inhabitants.

Tigers having a place with Freedom Jacob Caesar represent no mischief - Wildlife Division
Tigers having a place with Freedom Jacob Caesar represent no mischief – Wildlife Division

Nana Kwame Bediako, famously known as Freedom Jacob Caesar, while responding to the circumstance likewise said that he purchased the wild creatures for the travel industry purposes and that discussions had been progressing among him and the Ghana Tourism Authority about where and how to keep them to help the nation’s travel industry.

He added that it was not his aim to imperil the existences of the inhabitants with the tigers yet rather to enhance Ghana’s travel industry.


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