Pregnant women typically gain weight. It is challenging to balance the duties of being a new mum with getting back into your former shape. breastfeeding-baby (AmericanAcademyofPediatrics) After giving birth, losing this weight is not that simple. One frequent worry for pregnant women is postpartum belly obesity. And a sizable portion […]

The wedding photos of a 9-year-old South African kid and his 69-year-old wife have gone viral online It appears that the lady is nearly seven times her husband’s age, which is really strange. The two were wed a year ago, and this year, in front of 100 guests, they repeated […]

A briefcase carrying 80 million CFA (GH1.5 million) was intercepted by the Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) at an unauthorised crossing point along the Ghana-Togo border at Aflao. Seidu Iddrisu Iddisah, the acting commissioner of customs, claimed that the aforementioned suitcase also included some real currency, including […]