Attitude marketing: It’s importance and how to make good use of it

Have you ever walked into a fashion store, you try to bargain and they tell you all prices are fixed (even when no price tags on the items).

When you try to push further, they give you this stern look of “are you broke or what?”

That right there is attitude marketing.

They throw this attitude towards you, like they are doing you a favour, you should be happy enjoying their cozy ambience and for that reason alone you have no right to bargain prices.

They say because they are fine, they have ass, they have perky boob– for whatsoever reason you should be at their mercy– they throw that sort of vibes on you.

Now, not many people can break off and let go, because the natural ego of man is to prove a point and take up challenges.

Attitude marketing: It’s importance and how to make good use of it
Attitude marketing: It’s importance and how to make good use of it

This is when you make the first attempt parting hard-earned resources and thereafter you become hoodwinked, you are now on the cross-road wether to recover your spent resources so far in kind, or to let go of everything.

The attraction to recover is always stronger as you’d want to massage your ego. Something somewhere would make you feel an extra spend gets you closer to the goal…

Well, let me not digress further. Away from the second example, attitude marketing is widely used by brands, their vibes are clear, they make you feel they are doing you a good by making you purchase their item– even at a premium, they make it seem like not-just-anyone can walk in, let alone purchase, for that reason you’d be making a `keel` doing so.

You can also employ Attitude market in your business or craft. Set those standards however make sure you are worth it. When you see an attitude marketer understand the strategies at play.

It works both ways. Understand it when you see one, employ one when necessary. Hence this post.

Frank Yeboah

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Here is why you need a Business mentor and how to find one

Wed Jul 31 , 2024
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