How to become a successful Business model

  1. Selfish ambition cannot be scaled.

Many self-centered people are energetic, fun and even decent people. But selfish ambition restricts the potential of those who fall victim to it. In business, one can do only so much before needing either to plateau or accept assistance from others to lead in one’s stead. If one is unwilling to trust others, let go of pride or relinquish responsibility because of selfish ambition, one will never be able to expand one’s sphere of influence and grow as a business professional.

How can one truly surrender selfish ambition? The first step in changing one’s ways is the acknowledgment of selfish ambition. I mentioned my dad because he helped me realize my own selfish ambition. Here I was, an emerging business leader, traveling hundreds of days a year, making great money and “living the dream.” I had and still have a great wife, two great kids and, frankly, a charmed life, but I was miserable, frustrated and pursuing unfulfilling things—things I thought were right.

That is when I went to visit my father. After hearing of my struggles, my dad stopped and asked me, “Brian, what on earth are you chasing? Seriously, what on earth are you chasing?” This question hit home, and after reflecting on my own, I began to understand that I was pursuing the wrong things. I spent too much energy focusing on future goals rather than the importance of making an impact on the lives of people I engaged with daily—an impact that could benefit those around me for eternity.

Acknowledging my selfish ambition led to the second step of surrendering it. I asked myself, “What is my purpose?” This question was the seed that led to what my businesses are today.

My focus became to pursue impact and influence permanently through my businesses and working within them. This professional shift has led to an entirely new series of meaningful moments for the business, my team, my partners and myself. It all starts with acknowledging one’s own shortcomings, finding one’s purpose and establishing an identity. These will help one realize what one wants to accomplish in the world beyond just oneself.

Recognizing and addressing the problems caused by selfish ambition is crucial for personal and collective growth. We can transform our thinking and overcome this harmful mindset. We can find a future where our ambitions align with the greater good, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful professional and personal life.

The information provided here is not investment, tax or financial advice. You should consult with a licensed professional for advice concerning your specific situation.

Frank Yeboah

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Wed Jul 10 , 2024
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