Easy way to make money while you sleep as a side hustle

I’ve never considered myself a lazy person. Quite the contrary — I don’t do well with sitting still and have always been a hard worker

When I was too young for a traditional job, I babysat in my spare time to earn extra cash. And even once I began working full-time, I took on side projects to pad my income.

But years ago, I discovered an even easier way to make money on top of my regular paycheck. And unlike some of the side hustles I’ve had, this tactic required absolutely no effort on my part other than a tiny bit of legwork at first. If you like the idea of earning money while you sleep, then read on to see how you can do it, too.

Easy way to make money while you sleep as a side hustle
Easy way to make money while you sleep as a side hustle

Put your money to work for you

You could do actual extra work to make more money. Or, you could have your money do the work. I prefer the latter.

Years ago, I set myself up with a portfolio of stocks in a brokerage account. If you do the same, you may find that you’re able to generate ongoing income in a couple of ways.

First, some stocks pay dividends, which is companies’ way of giving shareholders a chunk of their profits. Dividends are commonly paid on a quarterly basis. And even though they’re not guaranteed, there are many companies with a strong history of paying dividends for decades.

Frank Yeboah

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How to start a lucrative Business with less than $100

Sat Jul 6 , 2024
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How to start a lucrative Business with less than $100

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