Bawumia to Ghanaians: Mahama has no idea what a 24-hour economy is all about. Ignore him.

Ghanaians have been urged by Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to disregard National Democratic Congress (NDC) member John Dramani Mahama’s proposal for a 24-hour economy.

Bawumia to Ghanaians: Mahama has no idea what a 24-hour economy is all about. Ignore him.
Bawumia to Ghanaians: Mahama has no idea what a 24-hour economy is all about. Ignore him.

He claimed that because the former president is ignorant of the concept of a 24-hour economy, Ghanaians need not cast their ballots for him in the general elections of 2024.

The Vice President claims that the country has already begun implementing that program, with fuel businesses and hospitals running round-the-clock operations.

John Mahama claims to have a novel concept. What’s the concept? He says he’s in favor of a 24-hour economy. Not only does he not comprehend that policy, but in Ghana today, most hospitals, energy companies, water companies, petrol stations, and many chop bars are open twenty-four hours a day.

Thanks to digitalization, you may send and receive money around-the-clock these days. He therefore doesn’t comprehend his policy. No sense is made of it.

Therefore, I’m asking for your support in 2024 since I’ll be bringing new ideas and policies. Dr. Bawumia is the future; Mahama is the past. We would argue that we have a dumsor economy and that a 24-hour economy is not possible in dumsor if John Mahama were present. So you want to support Dr. Bawumia in 2024? We’re going to lead this nation to unprecedented heights, Dr. Bawumia declared.


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"My goal was to be extremely attractive, so I bleached." Bukom Banku

Wed Nov 22 , 2023
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"My goal was to be extremely attractive, so I bleached." Bukom Banku

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