Aisha Huang entryway: Akufo-Addo deputies who are ‘feeling the squeeze’ to leave

The return into the nation of an expelled Chinese public famous for taking part in unlawful limited scope mining, galamsey, has overwhelmed new titles over the most recent couple of days.

L-R: Ambrose Dery, Immigration boss, Kwame Asuah Takyi and NIA boss, Prof. Ken Attafuah

The way that Aisha Huang, with her new personality Huang En, reappeared the country ‘inconspicuous’ till her capture recently at Ahodwo in Kumasi; has gotten individuals talking across the political and security range.

One point that has been made strongly is that heads must by all means roll, for which reason calls have begun for a few top officials at delicate state foundations to leave or be shot by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

Writer Manasseh Azure Awuni, took an overall position in his call when he posted a message requesting that the President leave or fire a few authorities.

His September 5 post read: “Akufo-Addo should leave on the off chance that he can’t fire anybody for this Aisha Huang shame. The sh*t is presently past the roof.”

GhanaWeb following shows that a few representatives being approached to stop over the matter incorporate, the Interior Minister, tops of the National Identification Authority and the Ghana Immigration Service.

We take a gander at the ‘under tension’ officials and those making the charge for them to leave and for what reasons.

Inside Minister should leave


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Rainbow appears as people gather outside Buckingham Palace

Thu Sep 8 , 2022
As news has spread, the crowds have grown significantly outside Buckingham Palace. Many people have come alone to take in the moment, while others have come in groups with friends. BBCCopyright: BBC Australian Chloe Hogan pictured with her two friends outside Buckinham Palace  Australian Chloe Hogan made her way to […]
Rainbow appears as people gather outside Buckingham Palace

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