How to promote your small Business online for fast sales

Every day, new businesses emerge; from new e-commerce stores to flower shops down to the small laundry shop next door and all these businesses are looking forward to getting new customers both offline and online and since we live in an internet age, the big question What is the best way to promote your small business online? Comes to mind.

What is the best way to promote your small business online?

If you are to perform a google search for the above question, you may find over 10 possible ways to promote your small business online but the truth is those options might be correct in terms of answering the question but for you to actually get your desired result, you need to answer this question.

Who exactly is your customer?

The internet is full of distractions from the email notification, videos, tweets, funny gif pictures etc and your potential customers right in the middle of this confusion while looking for a solution to their problem.

If you don’t have a specific person in mind while promoting your business, chances are that your promotion will not be effective. so you have to speak directly to them, using the language they use, addressing their fears while solving their problems.

How to promote your small Business online for fast sales
How to promote your small Business online for fast sales

Finding the perfect customer

Assuming you have answered the above question, by now you already have a person in mind but if you don’t have any, you can think of a friend, a colleague, a family member or any other person who you think really needs your product and present your message using the language the person understands.

Consider this three questions before you start your promotion:

Does the person understand he/she has a problem?

Is the person looking for a solution?

Can he/she understand the solution available?

If you happen to meet a person or a group of people whose answer to the above is yes or from your interaction with them your answer is yes, you have already found the perfect market for your promotion. But if you are yet to find such, then you need to note that

Understanding is the Key

Understanding where your customer hangs out online such as Facebook groups, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram is the key to your success in running effective promotion for your small business online because they will discuss their problems on this platforms while friends try their best to prefer solutions to them, you too can gather the information you need to develop a better solution for them and provide a lasting solution. This will not only be effective for your promotion, but it will also convert them to promoters and your best sales force.

Frank Yeboah

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The director of GPHA said that several investors are interested in building the Keta Port project.

Tue Aug 13 , 2024
Over six private investors have expressed interest in working with the government to build and operate the Keta Port project, according to Michael Luguje, Director-General of the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA).   For nearly eight years, there has been no development on the port, even though an office […]
The director of GPHA said that several investors are interested in building the Keta Port project.

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